CAAE Committee Charters
As a volunteer-run organization, members of CAAE are encouraged to take an active part in the life and programs of the organization. A description of each CAAE committee follows, identifying the Chair of the group and a summary of current action items, where applicable. To enquire about joining a committee, please contact the Chair directly.
Committees Established by the Bylaws
Audit (Ryan Chreist, Colorado) – arranges for a review of the organization’s financial records; reviews the results of reviews, financial records (including income statements, balance sheet and budget), tax documents, investments and fund balances; conducts a risk assessment for the organization; and reports all findings and recommendations to the Board. The Bylaws require that the President appoint a chair and at least two Members who shall not be current board members or officers.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- To discuss with the independent auditor the quality and appropriateness of the Corporation’s accounting policies as well as the consistency of their application and the degree of aggressiveness or conservatism in applying them.
- To discuss with the independent auditor the alternative treatments of financial information within Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as well as the ramifications of the use of such alternative treatments.
- To ensure that significant adjustments, unadjusted differences, and critical accounting policies and practices are discussed with the independent auditor, and that any disagreements are resolved.
Executive Committee (Julie Sina, UCLA) – acts between meetings of the Board on all matters not otherwise delegated to the Board or the Members. The Bylaws establish the committee as the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President (when the Immediate Past President is a member of the Board), Treasurer, and Secretary and require that all actions of the Executive Committee must be reported to the Board no later than the next regular meeting of the Board.
Activities for 2023-2024: There are no plans to convene the committee unless there is a need to act between meetings.
Governance (Erika Jordan, Boston University) – ensures the Board is performing at optimal levels by soliciting nominations from the CAAE membership and nominating Board candidates; ensuring that the size, leadership, representation, and composition of the Board are appropriate; and oversees governance structures and policies (including committee structure, Bylaws, and other policies). The Bylaws require that the Committee consist of three current Board members and two other members not currently on the Board, including the Immediate Past President. Current members of the Governance Committee may not be nominated for open officer or board member positions. This committee is established in the Bylaws.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Continue to effectively recruit and build a board that is reflective of the diversity our membership, institutions and constituencies we serve
- Partner with EDI Taskforce to consider by-laws and governance structure in support of the recommendations that evolve from the task force
- Bravely facilitate the conversation in collaboration with the Board around our governance structure that builds and organization reflective of our profession: by institutions and alumni leadership
Committees Established by the Board of Directors
Affinity Partners & Sponsorship (Jeff Davis, Mississippi State) – assesses, develops, and implements policies and plans to cultivate, solicit, and retain CAAE affinity partners as sponsors and partners; defines and delivers benefits of sponsorship for the CAAE Summer and Winter Institute; and solicits Affinity Partners for other types of partnerships with CAAE.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Re-design what it means to be a Corporate Partner (i.e., vendor/service provider like Liberty Mutual/iModules) versus a mission-oriented partner (ie organizations with a shared interest in our field like the Gallup Organization or the Lilly School of Philanthropy)
- Solicit and communicate adjustments to Corporate Partner sponsorship packages
Awards/Fellowships (Brandy Cox, University of Arkansas) – establishes criteria for the Forman, Tardy, and Preo fellowships; implements a process for selecting candidates that includes soliciting nominees from the membership at large; recommends candidates to the Board for approval; and coordinates presentations to membership with the Institutes Committee. Seeks and reviews submissions for the Innovation Fund and makes recommendation to the Board for the approval. Works with the Communications chair to announce the committee’s selections.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Determine the feasibility of creating a fellowship for staff doing work specifically around the area of DEI and/or BIPOC staff. Coordinate with CAAE DEI Committee.
- Evaluate the current effectiveness of the Innovation Fund and recommend changes to the Board as needed. Seek and review submissions in the winter/spring as appropriate.
- Coordinate application and selection process for Forman, Tardy and Preo fellowships, and the presentations to the CAAE membership.
- Assess and recommend any changes needed to the fellowship application process or program by the end of the fiscal year.
Communications (Curt Langford, Texas Tech) – develops and implements a strategic communications plan that articulates member and organizational value; advances membership community-building goals; delivers on brand and thought-leadership positioning; and generally supports organizational growth.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Refresh the annual editorial calendar to align the activities of CAAE Board and its committees with communications channels and further communications opportunities
- Ensure the delivery of a monthly membership newsletter to report on and raise awareness of key CAAE news and activities, elevate the profile and thought leadership of individual members, and promote the deepening of peer networks and partnerships
- Promote the use of CAAE’s communication platforms and tools, namely the website, the Show of Hands and Vendor Matrix tools, and LinkedIn group, to increase direct forms of communication between and among members
- Update the CAAE website to reflect the organizations’ advances in the areas of member recruitment, onboarding and outreach, including, but not limited to, DEI initiatives
Institutes (Reggie Bustinza, Northern Illinois and Julie Decker, Florida State) – develops and implements professional development programs and services, primarily the annual Winter Institute and Summer Institute. In addition to winter and summer institutes, develop ongoing training activities and networking opportunities for CAAE members, including periodic virtual Meetups, and a number of activities open to all CAAE staff.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Populate the committee including chairs for each individual institute and individuals to participate in ongoing discussion and planning
- Develop outlines for winter and summer institutes
- Identify keynotes for the institute
- Plan and implement monthly virtual sessions with opportunities for staff to participate
Membership (Reshunda Mahone, North Carolina State University) – assesses, develops, and implements plans to cultivate, solicit, and retain CAAE members, regularly reviewing membership policies, procedures, and pricing; evaluating member needs and satisfaction; and conducting membership marketing campaigns and research designed to meet membership goals.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Clarify and align on membership goals for CAAE
- Enhance and sustain new member on-boarding and buddy programs
- Explore initiatives to diversity membership
- Develop comprehensive list of eligible members and track status
- Work collaboratively with Member Experience committee to more deeply engage current members and forge relationships with new members
- Build a celebration component to summer institute to celebrate new and retiring/exiting members
Membership Experience (Ryan Chreist, University of Colorado) – A Committee of approximately five (5) CAAE members in total working in tandem with the CAAE Board and the CAAE Membership Committee (and other committees as required). Partnership with Membership Committee will not duplicate existing and significant efforts of Membership to welcome, orient and partner new members with existing members during entry period into CAAE. The committee will meet to determine actionable strategies and tactic to implement into CAAE over the next 12-18 months to enhance and develop the member experience.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Review and analyze overall member experience
- Make the CAAE mutual value proposition more evident
- Think about member/institution retention as it related to member satisfaction
- Think strategically about various groupings of CAAE members
- Proactively and intentional create connections before, during and after meetings
Research (Whitney Espich, MIT and Colin Hennessey, University of Iowa) – develops and delivers CAAE’s agenda for evidence- and outcome-based best practices in alumni relations; manages the annual CAAE Census and Salary Survey; and devises and implements methods for collecting, accessing, storing, and reporting on major trends and issues facing the alumni relations field.
Activities for 2023-2024:
- Implement, utilize and report on the revised annual CAAE Census and Salary Survey
- Solicit and incorporate member feedback to ensure the Census and Salary Survey are efficient decision-making tools
- Collaborate with CASE on alumni engagement reporting initiatives