CAAE Member Spotlight, September 2024

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Based on a Q&A-style interview developed by the CAAE Communications Committee, we're pleased to present this month’s spotlight of CAAE member Joshua Jones (University of North Texas), compilation courtesy of Raphe Beck (University of Oregon).

Name: Joshua Jones 

Institution: University of North Texas 

Q: Are you new to alumni relations, new to your institution, neither, or both?

A: New to the institution, not new to Alumni Relations. Excited to be celebrating my 14th year in advancement! 

Q: Best perk of the job so far:

A: Working on a college campus that has the highest-rated food dining services in the country has its perks!

Q: Biggest challenge so far:

A: Navigating the complexities of large public university in the state of Texas to reimagine our efforts to match our relative size within the state.

Q: If you needed to, could you sing your school’s fight song and/or alma mater?

A: Oh yea! With help from our wonderful band of course, ha! Go Mean Green! 

Q: What would it surprise people to know about you?

A: I spent 6 months at sea working on a seafood barge (very similar to the TV show The Deadliest Catch) in Alaska.

Q: Who would be your dream dinner guests?

A: Neil DeGrasse Tyson, my great grandmother, and Chris Rock.

Q: When I’m not on the job, you’ll find me…:

A: Finding the best food in Texas with my wife while chasing my three beautiful children.

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