CAAE Member Spotlight, May-June 2023

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Based on a Q&A-style interview developed by the CAAE Communications Committee, we're pleased to present this month’s spotlight of new member Dr. Ann Caine (Oklahoma State), compilation courtesy of Raphe Beck (Oregon).

Name: Dr. Ann Caine

Institution: Oklahoma State University Alumni Association

Q: Are you new to alumni relations, new to your institution, neither, or both?

A: When I started on Sept. 1, I was new to alumni relations. I have been a career educator.

Q: Best perk of the job so far:

A: There are so many awesome things about my new role, but the best has to be meeting so many alumni who love OSU!

Q: Biggest challenge so far:

A: The biggest challenge has been figuring out how to have a more balanced life. I’m not good at that!

Q: If you needed to, could you sing your school’s fight song and/or alma mater?

A: Not at all!

Q: What would it surprise people to know about you?

A: My grandma name is Petey which is the OSU license tag on my car. My daughter named me using my maiden name Peterson. My dad was a career AF pilot, Don Peterson. His flying name was Pete Peterson, and since I was a daddy’s girl, I’m channeling him. I also know I’m meant to be here for my “final gig” because I’m Petey in the land of Pistol Pete!

Q: Who would be your dream dinner guests?

A: Barbra Streisand, Sean Connery, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Condoleezza Rice, and my dad.

Q: When I’m not on the job, you’ll find me…:

A: Walking four miles, working in my yard, creating my 250 Christmas cards, or playing with my granddaughters!

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