CAAE Member Spotlight, March-April 2023

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Based on a Q&A-style interview developed by the CAAE Communications Committee, we're pleased to present this month’s spotlight of new member Reshunda L. Mahone, Ed.D., CFRE (North Carolina State), compilation courtesy of Raphe Beck (Oregon).

Name: Reshunda L. Mahone, Ed.D., CFRE

Institution: North Carolina State University

Q: Are you new to alumni relations, new to your institution, neither, or both?

A: New to NC State University and new to this role (I joined in August 2022). I have enjoyed working in higher education advancement for 23 years. 

Q: Best perk of the job so far:

A: Becoming a member of the Wolfpack. The entire NC State community has been very welcoming, excited, and eager to take this journey on how we reimagine engagement and giving. I have never experienced such a wonderful campus community culture in my entire career.

Q: Biggest challenge so far:

A: There are so many opportunities, and I am ready to do it all. The biggest challenge is pacing myself and balancing where to focus intentional efforts that will pay off immensely for NC State. 

Q: If you needed to, could you sing your school’s fight song and/or alma mater?

A: Yes! My first alumni event was on day seven, and I knew we would close the event with the alma mater, so that was my first test to make sure I had committed the alma mater to memory. 

Q: What would it surprise people to know about you?

A: I love to travel and am a daredevil at heart! I like things that go high or fast, and even better when they go fast and high. I have skydived several times and can't wait to do it again.

Q: Who would be your dream dinner guests?

A: Can I get four guests??? Melody Hobson, Beyonce, Dave Chappelle, and Tyler Perry. That would be an awesome dinner!

Q: When I’m not on the job, you’ll find me…

A: Somewhere working out, on a trip exploring a new destination, or hanging out with my friends and family.

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