CAAE Member Spotlight, January 2024

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Based on a Q&A-style interview developed by the CAAE Communications Committee, we're pleased to present this month’s spotlight of CAAE member Dave Bambrey (University of Illinois), compilation courtesy of Raphe Beck (University of Oregon).

Name: Dave Bambrey

Institution: University of Illinois Alumni Association

Q: Are you new to alumni relations, new to your institution, neither, or both?

A: Neither for this one! I’ve been with the University of Illinois Alumni Association for over 5 years now and in alumni relations for over a decade. 

Q: Best perk of the job so far:

A: Getting to meet so many new alumni that I haven’t had the chance to meet in my prior role here. Also, being able to be in meetings with the leadership of our University more often. It is great to be able to hear their perspectives on everything happening around campus and on leadership in general. 

Q: Biggest challenge so far:

A: Transitioning from my VP role to President and more specifically changing from being a colleague to a supervisor. It has been a great transition and my colleagues have been nothing but gracious and welcoming but a challenge none-the-less. Also, trying to prioritize where to spend my time and energy in the first few months in this role.

Q: If you needed to, could you sing your school’s fight song and/or alma mater?

A: I can! While I’m not an alumnus of Illinois, having been here for 5 years has provided me with several opportunities to hear/learn them from our alumni. 

Q: What would it surprise people to know about you?

A: This is tough to share but I really enjoy “bad” reality TV from time to time (some would then ask, is there “good” reality TV, and I think that is a great question as well). Work and life are so hectic, it helps me decompress from a tough day/week (or at least that is the excuse I tell myself while I’m watching). 

Q: Who would be your dream dinner guests?

A: My grandfathers – I never had the chance to meet either of them so that would certainly be special. 

Q: When I’m not on the job, you’ll find me…:

A: Traveling/exploring a new destination with my wife and our two dogs and hopefully drinking a great glass of wine!

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