CAAE Member Spotlight, December 2023

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Based on a Q&A-style interview developed by the CAAE Communications Committee, we're pleased to present this month’s spotlight of CAAE member Veronica Flaspoehler (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), compilation courtesy of Raphe Beck (University of Oregon).

Name: Veronica Flaspoehler

Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Q: Are you new to alumni relations, new to your institution, neither, or both?

A: Both! I am new to alumni relations and (semi) new to UNC – I was previously in Banking but served on the alumni association board of directors.

Q: Best perk of the job so far:

A: As cheesy as it may sound, getting to be on campus and doing meaningful work I am passionate about every day. I used to (and still do) volunteer at UNC on various boards/committees/etc. as an alumnus and now I have the privilege of doing this work full-time.

Q: Biggest challenge so far:

A: University politics - someone once told me there are levels of politics: 1) corporate politics, 2) church politics, and then 3) university politics. 

Q: If you needed to, could you sing your school’s fight song and/or alma mater?

A: Definitely

Q: What would it surprise people to know about you?

A: I’ve had 4 knee surgeries – starting from the time I was 17 years old

Q: Who would be your dream dinner guests?

A: My grandmothers

Q: When I’m not on the job, you’ll find me…:

A: Traveling with my family! My husband and I have an 8-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son. Both of my parents live with us too and our favorite thing to do is travel, from day trips to the mountains, weekend trips to the beach, or weeklong vacations across the world.

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